
The Big problem with Gaming sites

As I mentioned in my first post, I was as previously blogging on a Swedish gaming website GameReactor, that also claims to be "Europe's Biggest Gaming Magazine". Sure, one of the reasons is that I wanted to do something more stand-alone, and in English as well. But the truth is, it's mostly all the negative atmosphere on this kind of sites that was the main reasons. I've actually been recommended to get off the site by some of my friends as they considered it a waste of time and that in the end it will just make me as negative as everyone else.

And yeah, that's honestly true. And my main problem with basically all pages like this is the community. Being a big Nintendo fan, I always focus the most on Nintendo related news. And most of the time, no matter if the news if positive or negative, there are at least a few negative and hateful comments. Sometimes, I just simply ignore them but sometimes is just getting on my or someone else's nerves when the comments just gets too stupid. Everyone also seem to always know everything about economics and what's best for the company and if you just try to say anything positive you get the most overused title of the gaming community: "fanboy". Seriously, it seems that by simply liking Nintendo and unlike them, enjoy what they're giving us. Sometimes things get to the point where it just anger me. Like the time someone said that everyone who is an adult and still enjoys "kiddie" games is mentally disturbed and had some disorder in maturing process. Some people also like to say things about autism or even worse, tell things like "Go kill yourself".

Seriously!!!! That's just gross! Why can't people just let others enjoy what they like? Why create all that unnecessary negativity. Don't you have anything else to do? Like playing those "superior" games? Finally, autism is nothing to joke about, not to mention phrases like "Go kill yourself" which can really leave an impact on a more sensitive person. The gaming community really should stop being like that, because as it is now, it might just be one of the most hateful of communities

I had a Swedish Nintendo related group on Facebook. It was a nice place where people could share their experiences and get the latest Nintendo news. But it all changed, when the negativity nation attacked. Some people, basically always the same ones, started to post (if not spam) the wall with about one negative post a day. "WiiU doesn't sell", "Iwata sucks" etc. I don't know the reason people do things like that. Do they like when people get angry at them? Whatever the reason, it was just getting more and more annoying. I tried to have some rules, but it resulted in people's disappointment and words like "dictatorship" were present.  Finally, I closed the group when a new, closed one was created by one of my friends.

In the end I want to point another important piece of that "puzzle". The writers of the news articles. Many gaming website seem to love creating negativity around things. Nintendo or not, many articles have overly negative titles that make he problem much bigger than it actually is. The articles are often poorly written too. While this is not only about GameReactor and Nintendo, they just give too many good examples of that:

Let's take the latest one, the one that inspired me to write this.

An article titled "Nintendo turns off online functionality for Nintendo Wii and DS"
The first paragraph is basically bashing Nintendo, mentioning the bad sales and of course the current issue of Tomodachi Life same-sex marriage:
"Lately they got a lot of critique for stopping same-sex marriage in their new game Tomodachi Life."
 First of all, they didn't STOP anything. The game never had same-sex marriage intended to be there to begin with. It was a bug in the game that basically made one of the characters take the same role as that of a female, resulting in some weird results and it could also results in the save file getting corrupt. So they patched it. Honestly, if the game didn't have the bug, nobody would make a big deal out of it. I mean, the game is supposed to be a silly escape from reality and not a real-life simulator like the Sims.

Secondly, which they actually corrected after I mentioned it, they wrote that all online features including streaming services like Netflix and Wii Shop Channel to be disabled. They even linked to the original Nintendo post which clearly said it's about online games and CERTAIN features, so someone was really half-asleep.

At least, I have one more problem. The whole article seems to aim at saying that it is all because of Nintendo bad situation and that they just announced it recently, while they actually planned it quite some time ago.

To sum it all: The gaming community as it is now is really on a bad rail. Hate from the gamers towards other gamers and developers as well as the site themselves encouraging that hate by writing bad articles with attention-seeking titles to get more traffic. Of course, it won't stop, but it's just sad.

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